Fund Management
- Savings Accounts
- Current Accounts
- Fixed Deposit
BANEX MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED was incorporated as a Limited Liability Company on 13 April, 2012 with an authorized and paid up share capital of N20,000,000 divided into 20,000,000 ordinary shares of N1.00 each. The nominal and paid up share capital were subsequently increased to N50,000,000 made up of similar shares of N1.00 each and further increased to N110,000,000 also made up of shares of N1.00 each but yet to be approved by the CBN.
Years of experience
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Whatever your personal and business financial needs are, we make it easy. Do you desire business expansion and growth? Speak to us today.
Wherever you or your business is located within our environs, we can reach you. We are wherever you are.
whenever you need us to meet your personal and business financial needs, we are just a call away.